SUPPLEMENT 101: Maximizing Your Resistance Training

SUPPLEMENT 101: Maximizing Your Resistance Training

If we are going to spend the time going to the gym, training with intensity, and recovering properly … it sure would be nice to have some supplements to help with endurance while training and truly maximizing the time there, right?

Well, there is. Creatine Monohydrate. What?! Did I say creatine? Yes, yes I did.

Some of you might tune me out, because you might have similar thoughts that I once did like ... creatine will make you bloated, or it is bad for your body...

I get it. There are a lot of misconceptions about what creatine is and what it can actually do for your body ... really, it’s kind of crazy to think that the most scientifically researched and proven supplement, creatine monohydrate, is almost taboo.

In reality, if we are going to lift heavy, or shoot, train with intensity, it can be very beneficial to get some Micronized Creatine Monohydrate to take pre and post-workout.


Let’s cover what creatine monohydrate supplementation does.

It will help with endurance by recycling your energy more quickly. Your body uses ATP for quick, explosive movements.

When it uses ATP, a phosphate molecule breaks off, and it turns to ADP. Creatine supplements help with reattaching a phosphate molecule to ADP…. which makes it back into ATP.

It’s like recharging a battery … and the more charge you have, the harder you can train. When taking creatine, you will be able to train longer and harder and improve your overall performance.


Micronized Creatine Monohydrate

One of the easiest times to take Micronized Creatine Monohydrate is in post-workout in your shake.

By having a pure dextrose monohydrate, which gives the insulin spike to open the doors to the muscles … creatine monohydrate will be able to go in along with amino acids from your hydrolyzed whey isolate, and help draw in nutrients to help in repair. It’s the perfect trifecta for recovery.


Now, a little buying tip, pure creatine monohydrate should be inexpensive.

I didn’t say cheap, as cheap is a low-quality supplement, but it should be inexpensive (a good range is $30 to $40 for 80 to 200 servings … 5 grams is a serving).

There are many versions of creatine available … but the time-tested, most studied version is creatine monohydrate.

You may find other fancier versions of creatine out there, but the truth is that pure micronized creatine monohydrate is what most of the solid creatine studies are based on and where I’d spend my dollar when it comes to that.

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